"28 Day SIBO Support Meal Plan" Digital download
"28 Day SIBO Support Meal Plan" Digital download
Welcome to the ‘SIBO Support Meal Plan'!
This customized 30 day meal plan was created as a ‘Starter Kit’ for working with an anti-inflammatory nutritional approach while navigating your SIBO-supportive protocol with or without a primary care practitioner. As such, it is naturally free of ingredients containing the top triggering foods for the gut, including: gluten, dairy, corn, soy and refined/processed sugars and sodium. All meals and snacks contain fiber, fat and protein – three crucial elements for balancing blood sugar levels throughout the day.
Beyond containing a variety of ‘Low-FODMAP’ whole food ingredients, some High-FODMAP ingredients (e.g. a few types of organic mushrooms, cauliflower, sweet potato, apple, raw/unpasteurized honey and arrowroot powder) have been included, to
ensure the gut is being exposed to diverse ingredients during your individual protocol.
You’ll notice that some recipes originally call for some garlic and/or onion; the recipe notes indicate to omit those ingredients, unless your personal tolerance level at this point in time allows you to incorporate some portion or all of those ingredients. Please use your personal discretion in this case. Thank you!
This diversity with colourful types of fiber feeds your beneficial gut bacteria (Key Stone Species) and builds resilience within the gut, and even more importantly, beyond!
If we were to eliminate all high-FODMAP food ingredients while navigating SIBO, the volume and nature of beneficial gut bacteria would become significantly impacted. Therefore, the body would likely become more sensitive/reactive to them upon attempting to add them back into your diet later.
Recommended Protein Supplementation - Essential Amino Acid coated tablets
Alongside the daily meal/snack ideas. We recommend ‘BODYHEALTH PERFECT AMINO COATED TABLETS to support your day from a protein standpoint. You can view the daily dosage instructions suitable for your body weight when you click the link.
This essential amino acid powder should be consumed apart from food (such as 30 min prior to a meal or 1-2 hours after), and apart from any other protein supplements.
Essential amino acids provide an easily-absorbed form of the building blocks of protein, to help support the growth and repair of cells and tissues in the body.
MEAL PLANS – How They Work!
1. The 4 Weeks-At-A-Glance
The week-at-a-glance calendar illustrates your meal plan schedule for the 4 week plan. The recipes in bolded text indicate when the meals are freshly prepared and consumed (unless you choose to prep them the day prior, for example).
The greyed-out meals indicate where leftover servings are enjoyed. Should a recipe appear two days in a row in bolded text, the recipe is made fresh once again (e.g. for smoothies, quick snacks, etc.).
Please note that some leftovers/freezer portions carry into further weeks.
2. Itemized Grocery List
The itemized grocery list contains everything you require in terms of ingredients for the week, based on the number of servings of each recipe displayed in this bundle. If you choose to make an alternative number of servings for any of the recipes, or
adjust the recipes in any other way (including reducing the # of overall recipes enjoyed), please adjust the required quantities needed accordingly.
3. Recipes
The recipes are organized in the order in which they appear as you read the week-at-a-glance row by row - left to right, top to bottom.
4. Snacks
Given it is an ideal scenario that the Digestive System has a noticeable break between meals, in order to clear itself and reset for the next incoming meal, aiming to space your 3 main meals of the day approx. 4-6 hours apart is a helpful framework. If a light
snack IS needed in-between meals, should energy levels/blood sugar levels drop and hunger kick in, please rely on the midafternoon snack idea provided (making any adjustments to them as needed).
Should you have any questions regarding these recipes, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jessica at: connect@jessicapecush.com.
This product will be emailed to you in a separate link after purchase, please be patient it may take a few minutes for it to arrive in a downloadable link.